3 Best Sights in Indonesia

Lembongan Island

Fodor's choice

"Bali has never been as great as it used to be," celebrated Bangkok-based journalist John Hail wrote three decades ago. He must not have seen Lembongan Island, 20 km (12 miles) offshore from Sanur. First visited by surfers, Lembongan features miles of sandy beaches, a village vibe, and stunning views back to Bali. Get there by boat from Sanur, then explore by foot or on a bike, perhaps crossing the bridge to neighboring Nusa Ceningan. Accommodations range from simple huts to luxury villas. Count on someone lamenting, "Lembongan isn't what it used to be."

Island Treks

Several trails thread around the island to secluded beaches, mountaintop lookouts, and Kampung Komodo. English-speaking guides who know the routes and are well-versed on island flora and fauna can be hired at the park office. Day treks to the summits of Gunung Ara and Gunung Satalibo can be challenging given the rugged uphill paths through muddy, open woodlands and steep savannas. The rewards, however, are magnificent views all the way across the island and Indian Ocean to Lombok, Flores, and Sumba, as well as sightings of deer, wild pigs, buffalo, and the occasional Komodo dragon along the way. Be sure to have comfortable clothes, adequate sunscreen, and plenty of bottled water.

Rubiah Sea Garden

Take a boat out to Rubiah Island, about 200 meters (656 feet) from Iboih Beach, for some of the best diving and snorkeling on the island. This nature reserve is known for its coral reefs and hosts a phenomenal number of colorful fish, including angelfish, parrotfish, lionfish, and more. If you're not the diving type, you can view the underwater creatures through a glass-bottomed boat.

Sabang, 24411, Indonesia

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