8 Best Sights in Northern Portugal, Portugal

Igreja da Misericórdia

This late-17th-century church next door to the Torre de Menagem is lined with huge panels of blue-and-white azulejos depicting scenes from the New Testament.

Praça de Camões, Chaves, 5400-150, Portugal

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Consolação e Santos Passos

One of Portugal's prettiest baroque churches, the slim Church of Our Lady of Consolation and the Holy Steps rises up at the end of a long, elegant formal garden. Begun in the 18th century, the building was topped by two pointed towers almost a century later. The steps and balustrade were added at about the same time. The interior is impressively neoclassical. The exterior is especially magical at Christmastime, when every inch of its facade is adorned with decorative lights.

Largo da República do Brasil, Guimarães, 4810-446, Portugal
253 416 310
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Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira

This church in the delightful square Largo da Oliveira was founded in the 10th century to commemorate one of the city's most enduring legends. Wamba, elected king of the Visigoths in the 7th century, refused the honor and thrust his olive-branch staff into the earth, declaring that only if the stick were to blossom would he accept the crown—whereupon it promptly sprouted foliage. In the square in front of the church, an odd 14th-century Gothic canopy sheltering a cross marks the supposed spot. The square is now surrounded by charming cafés.

Largo da Oliveira, Guimarães, 4810-281, Portugal
253 416 144
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Igreja de São Bento

Outside the walls of the Citadel is this Renaissance-era church, with a fine Mudejar (Moorish-style) vaulted ceiling in the chancel, and a gilded retable. Founded in the 16th century to serve the attached monastery, it has some 18th-century additions, such as the nave's impressive trompe l'oeil ceiling. The church is usually open from around 5 pm for a couple of hours.

Rua de São Francisco, Bragança, 5300-011, Portugal
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Igreja de São Francisco

The Old Town's streets peter out at the southern end of Guimarães in the Almeida da Liberdade, a swath of gardens whose benches and cafés are often full. Here the stunning Igreja de São Francisco has a chancel decorated with 18th-century azulejos depicting the life of the saint. The church also has a fine Renaissance cloister. The complex now houses a home for the elderly, but both chapels are open to visitors.

Largo de São Francisco, Guimarães, 4810-245, Portugal
253 439 850
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Rate Includes: Free, Closed Mon.

Igreja de São Gonçalo

This imposing church of the former Convento de São Gonçalo, built and rebuilt between the 16th and 20th centuries, sits on the north side of the Rio Tâmega, overlooking the imposing 18th-century bridge of the same name. The effigy of its patron saint, in a room to the left of the altar, is reputed to guarantee marriage to anyone who touches it. His features have almost been worn away over the years as desperate suitors try and, perhaps, try again.

Praça da República, Amarante, 4604-901, Portugal
255 437 425
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Igreja dos Clérigos

The finest baroque work in Vila Real, this curious fan-shape building is also known as the Capela Nova (New Chapel). Its facade is dominated by two pairs of heavy columns. Built in the 18th century and dedicated to Saint Peter, it's believed by some to have been designed by Nicolau Nasoni, architect of Porto's emblematic Torre dos Clérigos.

Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra 74, Vila Real, 5000–635, Portugal
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Igreja Matriz

With a superb late-Gothic portal, this church in the center of the city has a single solid tower with bells that gleam in the sun. Construction on this church began at the end of the 15th century and was completed in the early 16th. Mass is daily at 7 pm, with more services on weekends.

Rua 25 de Abril 147, Vila do Conde, 4480-667, Portugal
252 640 810
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Rate Includes: Closed Mon., Free