4 Best Sights in Esztergom, Hungary


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This immense basilica, the largest in the country, is the seat of the cardinal primate of Hungary. Completed in 1856 on the site of a medieval cathedral, the famous anti-communist cleric Cardinal József Mindszenty was finally reburied in the basilica crypt in 1991 (he was originally interred in Austria), ending decades of religious intolerance by the communists. The basilica's most wondrous feature is the Bakócz Chapel (1506), named for a primate of Hungary who only narrowly missed becoming pope. On your left as you enter, the chapel is the most beautiful work of Renaissance architecture in all of Hungary; note its red marble and magnificent carvings. Other highlights to look for are the sacristy, which contains a valuable collection of medieval ecclesiastical art; the vast crypt, where the cathedral's builders and its key priests are buried; the treasury, containing a trove of precious ecclesiastical objects; and, for a great view of Esztergom, after a steep climb up a long, winding staircase, the observation platform in the cathedral's cupola. The bell tower is also open to the public. Each section requires an entrance fee, so your best bet is to purchase the combination ticket.

Keresztény Múzeum (Christian Museum)

Considered by many to be Hungary's finest art gallery, the Christian Museum, located in the Primate's Palace, displays the country's greatest collection of medieval Hungarian religious art as well as Dutch, German, and Italian master paintings (the 14th- and 15th-century Italian collection is unusually large for a museum outside of Italy). The museum's showstopper is the intricately carved 15th-century Holy Sepulchre of Garamszentbenedek, depicting the twelve Apostles clustered around Christ's tomb, which was wheeled through the town during Easter processions.


Situated right beside the basilica, the Castle Museum is housed in the former Royal Palace, built in the 12th century when Esztergom was the country's capital but later ransacked by the Turks. Today, it's an intriguing jumble of modern and medieval, with a historic collection of archaeological finds from the area, including pottery and artifacts dating from the 11th century. Visitors can also explore the remaining rooms of the Royal Palace, including the gorgeous chapel with its 13th-century frescoes.
Szent Istvan ter 1, Esztergom, 2500, Hungary
Sights Details
Rate Includes: 1,600 HUF, Nov.–Mar., daily 10–4; Apr.–Oct., daily 10–6, Closed Mon.

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