4 Best Sights in Sabang, Indonesia

Gunung Merapi

Hire a guide from Sabang to take you to this occasionally active volcano. When the road ends, you'll need to walk up a footpath to reach it and once there you can hike among the craters. On the drive to and from the mountain, you can stop at spots with hot water springs.

Kilometer Nol

About 29 miles north of Sabang you'll reach the westernmost point of Indonesia. Though it's not the prettiest site—it's marked by a rather ugly pink and beige monument—stopping for a brief visit will give you bragging rights, and you'll pass some lovely hills and forests on your journey.

Pantai Sumur Tiga Beach

This lovely white sand beach is only about 5 km (3 miles) or 15 minutes east of town. Snorkeling and diving here are highly recommended due to the clear water and coral. You can also explore Japanese bunkers that remain from the World War II occupation. Though there aren't many standalone places to eat on the beach, you'll find a number of beach hotels offering fine meals to non-guests. Amenities: food and drink; water sports. Best For: snorkeling; walking.

Sabang, 24411, Indonesia

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Rubiah Sea Garden

Take a boat out to Rubiah Island, about 200 meters (656 feet) from Iboih Beach, for some of the best diving and snorkeling on the island. This nature reserve is known for its coral reefs and hosts a phenomenal number of colorful fish, including angelfish, parrotfish, lionfish, and more. If you're not the diving type, you can view the underwater creatures through a glass-bottomed boat.

Sabang, 24411, Indonesia