6 Best Places to Shop in Cambridge, East Anglia

All Saints Garden Art & Craft Market

This market displays the wares of local artists outdoors on Saturdays. 

Trinity St., Cambridge, CB2 1TB, England

Cambridge University Press Bookshop

In business since at least 1581, the Cambridge University Press runs this store on Trinity Street.


Near the Arts Theatre, G. David (known locally as just David's) sells antiquarian books.

16 St. Edward's Passage, Cambridge, CB2 3PJ, England

Recommended Fodor's Video

Haunted Bookshop

This shop carries a great selection of old, illustrated books and British classics. And (the clue's in the name) apparently it has a ghost, too.


Filled with rare and imported books, Heffers' boasts a particularly fine arts section.

Ryder & Amies

Need a straw boater? This shop is the official outlet for Cambridge University products, from hoodies to ties to cuff links.