7 Best Sights in North Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands

Flamingo Pond

Fodor's choice

The pond is home to approximately 2,000 resident flamingos. These spectacular pink birds come and go during the day, so if you miss them on your drive down the island, be sure to double-check at the end of the day. Bring binoculars to get a better look; they feed quite a ways out, and you're not allowed to hike closer.

Wades Green

Fodor's choice

You wander down the shaded laneway, bordered by walls made from the rocks once found in the fields of this cotton plantation established by Loyalist Wade Stubbs in 1789. The walls of the great house still stand, albeit with foliage now growing on the inside. Giant iron cauldrons, once used to prepare meals for enslaved people, rest in the yard. There are also partial remains of the kitchen, the overseer’s house, slave quarters, and several storage buildings. A lookout tower provides views for miles. TCI National Trust offers visits and 30-minute tours from Monday to Saturday, 10:30–3:30.

Cottage Pond

A short distance from the North Caicos ferry terminal and en route to where the flamingos rest is Cottage Pond. Watch on the right side of the road, as the sign can be hidden in the foliage. The roadway deteriorates the closer you get, so just park and walk the rest of the way. At the end you'll find this lovely, quiet freshwater pond where slaves would come to wash clothes. Today, there's always an assortment of ducks swimming, with ferns as their backdrop. Local lore has it that the pond has no bottom and a mermaid was once spotted swimming there.

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Horse Stable Beach

Horse Stable Beach is the main beach for annual events and beach parties for the resident population of North Caicos. Get-togethers spring up occasionally at the North Caicos Community Centre that sits along the beach, making you quite lucky if you happen to be around for one; visitors are always welcome. Stop by if you're a beachcomber, as you'll find shells and sun-bleached coral as well as many other items washed in from the sea off of passing ships. The sand is soft and strolling is a delight. Amenities: none. Best for: solitude; walking.

Turks and Caicos Islands


This settlement includes a small school and a number of churches, as well as tropical fruit trees that produce limes, papayas, and the more exotic custard apples. Nearby are the well-preserved ruins—old cauldrons, main house structure, and other outbuildings—of Wade's Green Plantation. The fully intact ruins of a historic Baptist church sits roadside just past the modern Church of God of Prophecy as you enter the village. Kew's heartbeat is still present, and visiting will give you a better understanding of the daily life of the islanders before development; it's wonderful to see the more traditional lifestyle coexisting with the present day. Contact the National Trust to make special arrangements to view the plantation. It is usually open weekdays 10:30 to 3:30 pm.

Kew, TKCA 1ZZ, Turks and Caicos Islands
Sights Details
Rate Includes: $10, which includes a 30-minute tour, Closed Sun.

Three Mary Cays

Three small rocky cays within swimming distance of Whitby Beach give you some of the best secluded snorkeling in all of the Turks and Caicos. You will often find ospreys nesting there, too. This is a wildlife protection area, so don't feed the fish, touch any of the corals, or disturb the birds.

Whitby Beach

Whitby Beach usually has a gentle tide, and its thin strip of sand is bordered by palmetto palms and taller trees, which provide a bit of shade. As the beach is in its natural state, you may enjoy a bit of beachcombing as you stroll; you'll find small shells, sun-bleached coral, and other ocean castoffs. There are also some coral heads just offshore for those who wish to don a mask and fins. Amenities: food and drink. Best for: snorkeling; solitude; walking.

Whitby, Turks and Caicos Islands