PHOTO: Dreamstime

The 5 Most Luxurious Hotels in Vancouver

| July 25, 2018

There are times when you're feeling extra conscious about your travel budget—and in those circumstances, what you're looking for in a hotel is less "living in the lap of luxury" and more "how can I get the most bang for my buck."

But sometimes, budget is the last thing on your mind—and instead of staying at a sensible, budget-conscious property, you want to put the pedal to the medal and stay at the most over-the-top, lavish hotel you can find. If that feeling rings a bell, then this list is for you.

While Vancouver might not be known as luxury destination (like a New York or London), it certainly has it's fair share of high-end properties that offer the perfect backdrop for a good old-fashioned luxury escape.

Here are our picks for the best luxury hotel experiences in Vancouver:

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